Sunday, February 20, 2011

phipps botany in action program

I am incredibly happy to post that I have been deemed a "botanist in action" by the Phipps Conservatory (link provided) in Pittsburgh. I am looking forward to heading up there this fall to meet other cool researchers and learn how to be better at outreach and education. I am also very happy about the extra funding they will provide for my upcoming trip to Georgia to conduct some plant photosynthesis/ water use studies.  More on all this soon.


  1. I hope you enjoy your time in Pittsburgh! It's a fantastic city. Will you just be at Phipps while you're here or are you meeting up with researchers at the universities as well?

  2. Hi Heather,
    I think the plan is to stay at Phipps, but I'm open to suggestions.

  3. I completely forgot to subscribe to this comment thread! University of Pittsburgh's biology department is a mile or so away from Phipps. If you were interested in meeting some folks in the department or giving a seminar about your work we could definitely arrange something!
